Why Men Can't Win
If you don't work enough, you're a good-for-nothing bum. If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay, you should get off your butt and find something better. If she gets a job ahead of you, it's equal opportunity. If you keep quiet, it's male indifference. If you don't, you're insensitive. If she makes a decision without consulting you, she's a liberated woman. If she asks you, it's a favor. If you don't, you're a slob. If you don't, you're not thoughtful. If you're not, you're not ambitious. If you have a headache, you don't love her anymore. [ Author Unknown - from 'Aiken Drum' (Aiken@AikensLaughs.com) ]Cartoons Daily Inspiration HOME Messages Poems Quotes Stories Inspirational Humor SkyWriting.Net All Rights Reserved. |