Sharing Smiles
I decided to not let that smile fade as the day went on either. Instead I tried to pass it on to everyone I could. I found it very hard to give away, though, because I almost always got it returned. My sons’ smiles shined brighter than the morning sun had. My daughter’s smile made my heart feel lighter and my soul feel stronger. The smiles of all the people I met during the day left me feeling more connected to them, more connected to life, and more connected to God. Even my dogs had smiles and "happy pants" waiting for me when I petted them after returning home. A smile is so much more than just a show of teeth. A smile is a prelude to laughter. A smile is a spreader of joy. A smile is a messenger of peace. A smile is a sharer of happiness. A smile is a giver of love. Smiles help to heal the heart. Smiles help to nourish the soul. Smiles help to build a better world one grin at a time. The truth is you don’t smile because you feel good; you feel good because you smile. Don’t be stingy with your smiles then. Share them with joy. Let everyone see your smiling face. Let Heaven see your smiling soul. Let God’s love flow through your smile until like the morning sun you light up the world. |