Absolutely Incredible
It's the middle of the day. You're walking -- or driving or working or
bicycling – along a busy highway that borders a university campus when you
come upon a serious traffic accident that has just occurred. A motorcycle
is lying on the roadway, in flames. A badly damaged automobile is stopped
near the motorcycle, and the fire is beginning to spread to the car.
Suddenly you notice that someone – probably the motorcycle driver – is
pinned underneath the car. He isn't moving. For all you know, he might
already be dead. But you don't know for sure. And the fire is spreading
toward him.
What are you going to do?
For 14 or so passers-by Monday, the answer was immediate and
unflinching: they rushed in to help. They tried to get him out from under
the car, but he was stuck under there, and the fire was moving ever closer.
A few people tried to life the car, but barely moved it. There was a
moment of hesitation, and then a larger group -- including several hard
hat-wearing construction workers – moved as one to the side of the car, and
with all their collective might they lifted the 3,000-pound burning vehicle
up onto two wheels while another construction worker pulled the unconscious
young motorcycle driver out from under the car.
I'm not making this up. You can see it here:
And please notice the flames lapping at the young man's foot as they
drag him to safety.
Miraculously, the young man survived, with only broken bones, some
road rash and a few bruises to show for his brush with death.
Oh, and he has one other thing: a thankful heart.
A day after his dramatic rescue he was still in the hospital
recuperating from his injuries. But he sent his uncle out to thank the
people who risked their lives to save his.
"He knows that there are angels out there that saved his life," his
uncle said. "People came together, risked their lives, to save him."
He paused, then added: "Just... thank you... from all of us in the
In my mind, there were two remarkable things that happened in those
few anxious moments from the time the accident occurred until the time the
young motorcyclist was dragged to safety. First was the heroic rush of
people -- more than one -- to offer assistance despite the very real
possibility of harm to themselves. I think of the gallant police officers
and fire fighters who rushed IN to the twin towers on 9/11 when everyone
else was rushing OUT, the office workers on the upper floors who ran
UPSTAIRS to help others instead of following their natural self-protective
impulses to rush DOWN. I'm awed and inspired by such compassionate
courage. I don't know that I possess it – and quite frankly, it's OK with
me if I never find out for sure -- but I'm grateful to live in a world in
which so many do.
The second remarkable thing that happened that morning was that all of
these brave, caring people managed to work together to save a life. It
would not have happened if they had not. One or two people couldn't lift
that car. Even six or seven -- they tried. It took all of them pushing
together to get the car up on two wheels so the injured young man could be
moved out of the way. There's a lesson in that for all of us, I think. No
matter how strong we are individually, we are infinitely stronger in the
face of adversity if we work together.
Like the young man's uncle said: "A lot of times things happen these
days that shake our faith in humanity. But here we have not one person,
not two people, but nearly a dozen people rushing together to a burning
scene to lift a thousand-pound car. That is absolutely incredible."
~ Joseph Walker ~
<ValueSpeak at msn.com>
Copyright © 2010
Joseph Walker began his professional writing career as a staff writer for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City,
eventually becoming that newspaper's television and live theater critic. Since 1990 he has written a weekly newspaper column called ValueSpeak, which has appeared
in more than 200 newspapers nationally. His published books include How Can You Mend A Broken Spleen?
Home Remedies for an Ailing World for Deseret Book, The Mission: Inside The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints for Warner Books and three ghost-writing projects.
Please take a minute to let Joe know what
you think of his story: Joseph Walker
[ by: Joseph Walker Copyright © 2011 ( ValueSpeak at msn.com ) -- {used with permission} ]

Inspirational Stories
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