The Littlest Christmas Helpers
It takes a little effort to turn our home into a Christmas wonderland.
Each year the totes filled with holiday treasures seems to magically
multiply, so it takes a wee bit of motivation to get the halls decked out
for the season. Turning on the radio was all we needed to turn on the
Christmas cheer. Humming along to the tunes of Rudolph and Jingle Bell
Rock helped us along.
Bill and I, are a good team. Bill lugs in all the totes and boxes
from the garage and I begin the Yuletide task of unpacking everything.
Every year, I swear I'm going to take pictures of where everything goes but
I never do. I tell myself I'll remember and then curse myself when I don't.
This year we had unexpected helpers, our little grand girls, Avery and
Gemma. Avery is a little over 3 years old and Gemma will be 2 in December.
The Christmas tree was up but a strand of lights was out so Bill sat on
the floor trying patiently to replace the defected set. It didn't stop
Avery from gathering up ornaments and putting them on the tree. Gemma
wasn't so helpful. She'd pick up an ornament and throw it back into the
tote. Thankfully nothing shattered. Gemma was more enthused with the
variety of snowmen I was unpacking. She began arranging them here there
and everywhere. There was no pattern, no rhythm or reason. But we were
accomplishing one thing -- we were having a blast with the grand kids.
I showed them Baby's First Christmas ornaments that had photos of their
mommy and their aunt when they were babies. I tried to keep them all in
the middle of the tree, next to the pictures of them in their Baby's First
Christmas ornaments. They weren't so impressed with Nonnie's nostalgia.
They were too busy hanging Mistletoe on door knobs and wearing wreaths
like necklaces. Every year since they've been born I've made it a
tradition to buy each one a special ornament. This year, Bill got a train
ornament with his name on it and the girls each got a personalized Princess
When Gemma, who has suddenly began talking non-stop, opened hers she
looked at the pretty pink and purple castle and said, "Once Upon A Time..."
When it was time for them to go home, Bill and I looked around our
house, that now looked like a couple of dysfunctional elves had visited,
and had a good laugh. The joy of sharing this experience with two bright
eyed little helpers had reenergized my decorating duties.
With Christmas carols blaring in the background I worked fast and
furious to get the house done.
This Christmas, I have the gift of three beautiful grandkids to share
this special time of year. They are definitely the ornaments that decorate
my heart with all the love this Christmas season can hold.
~ Kathy Whirity ~
Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved
Kathy is a syndicated newspaper columnist who shares her sentimental
musings on family life. She is also a contributing author to The Chicken
Soup For the Soul book series. You can visit her website here:
[ By: Kathy Whirity Copyright © 2010 ( kathywhirity at ) -- {used with permission} ]

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