Our Substitute Thanksgiving Dinner
Every year about this time, Americans devote an entire day to giving
thanks for the blessings of life.
Actually, Thanksgiving is the perfect name for this day of... well,
thanks-giving. If we called it something clever -- you know, like
Pilgrimas or Squashter -- its real meaning might get lost in symbolism or
cluttered with commercialism.
As it is, Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks. Oh, sure, it is also
a day to gather with the family, eat turkey and watch football. But when
it comes right down to it, giving thanks is high on the list of Things To
Do on the fourth Thursday of November -- even when you have to search for
something for which to be grateful.
I remember one such Thanksgiving, about 28 years ago.
During the previous year, we had weathered the first major crisis of
our marriage, and while we were doing pretty well pulling together as a
family, there were still scars and tender places. We were also struggling
financially while living in a cramped apartment. To top it off, Anita was
just days away from delivering our third child, and she was miserable (we
men will never fully appreciate the physiological transformation that turns
the light, happy "Honey, we're having a baby!" to the deep, throaty "Get
this thing out of me!").
I was looking forward to Thanksgiving as a day off from work and a day
to spend some time with my family. But I'll be honest -- mostly, I was
looking forward to the food. Anita's family had invited us to share
Thanksgiving dinner with them, and Anita's mom is a great cook. Besides, I
love Thanksgiving dinner, from the turkey (dark meat, please!) to the
mashed potatoes to that green bean casserole with the fried onions on top.
It has always been my favorite meal, but never more so than during
this year when our food budget hadn't allowed for extras, and Anita's
pregnancy had turned her taste toward soups, salads and licorice ice cream.
I was ready to sink my teeth into a drumstick, and to keep eating until
you couldn't tell if it was me or Anita who was about to give birth.
Unfortunately, Anita awakened Thanksgiving morning feeling more
miserable than usual. We kept hoping that she would perk up by the time we
needed to leave for dinner, but by early afternoon it was clear she
wouldn't be going "over the river and through the woods" -- or anywhere
else, for that matter. And I certainly wasn't going without her, no matter
how loudly that drumstick was beckoning.
So we called and made our apologies to her family, and then I started
poking around in the kitchen for an appropriate substitute Thanksgiving
dinner. Tuna? No. Tomato soup? No. Mac and cheese? Not even if we
could make the macaroni stick together in the shape of a turkey.
So I packed up Amy and Joe Jr. and went shopping. Of course, that was
easier said than done, since no stores in our small town were open. We
finally found a store about 20 miles away that had three turkey TV dinners
left. We took them home and split them between the four of us.
Sounds pathetic, doesn't it? But as far as I am concerned, it remains
one of the best Thanksgivings ever!
Somehow our lack of abundance helped me to see more clearly the
blessings we did have. Instead of focusing on a sumptuous feast, I focused
on three-going-on-four people who I loved more than life itself.
We were happy. We were together. We had a roof over our heads.
And we had food -- such as it was -- on our table.
We had much for which to give thanks.
And as we all know, giving thanks is what Thanksgiving is all about.
~ Joseph Walker ~
Copyright © 2010
Joseph Walker began his professional writing career as a staff writer for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City,
eventually becoming that newspaper's television and live theater critic. Since 1990 he has written a weekly newspaper column called ValueSpeak, which has appeared
in more than 200 newspapers nationally. His published books include How Can You Mend A Broken Spleen?
Home Remedies for an Ailing World for Deseret Book, The Mission: Inside The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints for Warner Books and three ghost-writing projects.
Please take a minute to let Joe know what
you think of his story: Joseph Walker
[ by: Joseph B. Walker Copyright © 2011 ( ValueSpeak at msn.com ) -- {used with permission} ]

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